Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Father Kozak

One of the earliest priests in our parish was Father John Kozak. He was a handsome and capable young man with a family, a wife and five children, and every Sunday they drove in an old station wagon from Syracuse, where he was based with Father Warnecke, to Rochester so that he could celebrate the liturgy. This photo shows Father blessing the Pascha baskets in 1967. He was much loved in the parish and it was hoped he could become our first permanent assigned priest but health issues precluded his being able to do so. He is remembered with warmth and respect by many still today. Standing closest behind him, left to right, are Mary Cherney, Anastasia Wargo, and Joseph Wargo. Can you recognize anyone else? Post a comment here and help identify them!

(By the way, if you haven't noticed, you can click on the photos posted in this blog to see them larger size.)

1 comment:

  1. In the background of this photo, center/top, you will vaguely see my grandmother (Dorothy) and John Dresko, Sr. -- Fr. Ken
