Saturday, April 12, 2014

Father John Dresko

In addition to Father Ken (Stavrevsky) there have been others from our parish who have gone on to become priests. One early such example is that of Father John Dresko. He is a Rochester native and the son of John and Helen Dresko who were among the founders of the parish. Both he and Father Ken were altar servers and Father John also sang in the choir. Several years younger than Father Ken, he also went to St. Vladimir's Seminary. Interestingly upon graduation from seminary this Rochester native had his first parish assignment in Rochester; Rochester Michigan that is! Father John did a stint in the Air Force as a chaplain, and today is the priest of St. Paul the Apostle parish in Las Vegas NV. See if you can spot Father John in this photograph! (In the center leading the liturgy is Father Wojcik.)

In a future post we will look at another parish member who became a priest, the late Father Thomas Brown. His widow, Matushka Nadine Brown has recently relocated to the Rochester area and is now a key member of our choir. She is the sister of Matushka Natalie. 


  1. Father John DreskoApril 12, 2014 at 5:17 PM

    I'm EXACTLY three years younger than Father Ken, and EXACTLY seven years older than St. John's. Riddle me this... I'm blushing to be included in a special blog post.

  2. Father John DreskoApril 12, 2014 at 5:18 PM

    By the way, I LOVE the blogs. Very interesting and nostalgic for us oldtimers.

  3. Glad you like the blog Father John. It has been fascinating and rather moving for me to learn about the parish and its history. I interviewed some people you would recall, like Helen Michalko and Jane Wargo, wonderful reminiscences. I hope to do transcriptions of their interviews sometime.
